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Thursday, December 26, 2013

AA, BB, & CC Creams (What's the Difference?)

If your a big makeup fanatic or just the typical makeup wearer I'm sure you've probably seen some of these letters in your local drugstore/makeup store on makeup packages. Lets start from the very beginning at AA.

AA stands for Anti-Aging. This product is made to help reduce wrinkled, sagging, crows feet, and help with diminishing blemishes and battling discoloration. You will usually find AA cream in a cream or moisturizer.

Now onto BB

Now BB creams are usually the most common creams then of the rest. This is because its a beauty balm or blemish base. The BB cream works as a all-in-one product. This basically means that it has a moisturizer, primer, sunscreen, and a foundation. This  means you can essentially skip ll those other steps. The reason it does all of this is because it was originally made for those who had sensitive skin caused by surgery. 

And now we're onto the last one...

A CC cream is a color control cream. It's made to help with color correction and skin tones. These are different from BB creams because BB creams are made to basically just prevent skin problems whereas CC cream just works with current existing skin problems. CC cream has all the amazing ingredients of BB cream but they're just amped up a little bit. CC creams may help you more if you have dark under eye circles that are puffy, if you have acne, discoloration, and age spots. 

Now that we've finally gotten through that we can all go through our daily life without the constant wonder of what the ridiculous letters mean. 

Hope you liked the post. Comment what you thought and check out my other posts!

DIY Perfect Eyebrows

Where to Start-
First you want to find your eyebrow shape. For the start of your brown you want to grab a pencil and line it from the outside corner of your nose to the inner corner of your eye. Your brow should start where the pencil is lined up. Next for your arch you want to grab the same pencil and line it from the tip of your nose to middle of your pupil. Where the tip of the pencil lies/intersects is where the arch should go. For the ending of your brow take that pencil and line it from the corner of your nose and the edge of your eye, that is where it should properly end.

Filling in the Brow-
First fill in your eyebrow with eye shadow or a pencil lightly with a shade close to an almost exact matching color to your natural brow. (You don't want black eyebrows with a light brown hair color) Then you want to line your brows to the shape you want. If you have a eyebrow brush or you can even use your finger, gently brush out any harsh lines. Now not everyone does this but you can take concealer and clean up the top and bottom of your brow. Once all that is finished you are done and you have perfectly shaped and filled in eyebrows.

If you liked what I posted leave a comment below and check out some of my other posts! :)