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Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Not Procrastinate

As the queen of procrastination. I figured I'd give you some tips on how I deal with it and how I get things done.

Step 1: Asses The Situation

You need to realize that you have something to get done and if you don't get it done on time or properly then you are SOL

Step 2: Confront The Problem 

Why are you procrastinating? If it's something you can fix then fix it. If its because you just don't want to do it and or it's boring, tell yourself to grow the fuck up and just do it. So what if you don't like it or its boring. Not everything's going to be fun and interesting. 

Step 3: Just Do It

Trust me, once its all over you'll have time to do more fun and interesting things. This is just a minor set back in your "Awesome Life." Just get it done and you'll feel much better afterwords, especially since you don't have to worry about it.

Hoped you guys like my tips. I tried not to be as brutal as I usually would be. If your sitting there like, "Well your the queen of procrastination. Why are you telling us to grow up? Shouldn't you follow these steps to?" I already do! I give myself a nice lecture before putting myself through the torture of a boring project or studying for an exam. Anyways , I will be posting more posts soon. I don't know when, I just will. Love you guys and thanks for reading :)

-Live Life Freely 

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