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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Daily Skincare Routine

Now I noticed how much you's have been enjoying the acne remedies and the skincare tips so I've decided to let you guys in on my daily skincare routine and how I deal with my acne. 

Cetaphil Face Wash

I just recently bought this after watching a girls morning routine on YouTube. After seeing her recommendation I'd figure i would buy it. I mean i had put worse things on my face and it wouldn't hurt to try it it. Plus i needed a new cleanser. I bought the exact one in the picture, gentle skin cleanser for all facial types because i have T type or combination skin. My face is oily on my nose, in between my eyes, and on my forehead but its dry everywhere else. I've been using it for about a month and it really does do some good.  I use it when I first wake up, after coming home from outside, and right before bed. 

Clean & Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent

I use this after i wash my face with the Cetaphil. I don't tend to use it everyday for reasons. It usually can throw my faces  pH balance off balance and sometimes leads to my face being overly dry or causes my face to produce to much oil and makes it extremely oily. I use it when I have a bad break out or i use a cotton ball and use it in just the areas that tend to break out a lot (my forehead). It helps get rid of the acne and its good if you use it to the extent you would like. 


Now i dont use this currently because they don't sell it at my local drugstore anymore but i used to use it and it worked for me. The one i use is a Rite Aid brand moisturizer and it has 2,100 I.U of vitamin E. I use this everyday after i cleanse my face and especially on the days after i use the astringent. I makes my face extremely soft and it actually works for a drugstore brand moisturizer. 


I usually use this before i cleanse and everything but i put it last for a reason. 
1. I don't use it everyday. 
2. I use it hours before i use the cleanser. 
I usually use this everyone in awhile. There is no schedule in how i use this. If i feel like i should exfoliate one day, then i will. It's more sporadic then planned. The reason i use it hours before my cleanser is because usually when I decide to use it its in the middle of the day and i don't want to mess with my cleanser schedule. If you want to know how to use this you can visit my 5 DIY Acne Treatment post. I'll have the link in here. 

Thanks you you reading this if you did. I hope you enjoyed it and it hopefully helps you. 

Comment what you think below and tell me what your daily skincare routine is like. 

~Live Life Freely~ 

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