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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

5 Tips To Get Hair to Grow Longer

After cutting my hair much longer then I would like, I spent the last 2 years looking for ways to  grow it back quick & non expensive. Here are some of the things I recommend doing for it to grow back quicker & healthier.


I know how you feel about this, you probably want to stop reading right now, but i'm not going to be the one to tell you to cut all your hair off. I'm just saying get rid of all the dead ends. Cutting 2 inches off every so often isn't going to help it. Split ends move up your hair shaft so if you leave them there, then can get worse & damage more of your hair. So cut them ALL off while you can. My hair was past my but & I cut it a little past my shoulders so all my dead ends were WAYYY gone.

Eating Healthy

No I'm not saying you don't already but a well balanced diet can ensure your hair gets all the necessary nutrients for it to grow healthy, smooth, and strong. I'm also not saying you can't have your favorite junk food but I'm saying if you want to eat it, eat it every so often. Not everyday or every other day. Make your you get protein in your diet, eat lots of meat or whatever you do to get protein. This is basically what your hair is made of.

Scalp Massage

This is real simple & it can benifit by adding almost a quarter of an inch of growth to your hair a month. Someone else doesn't have to do it for you, this is a simple one person task. Just let your hair down and gently rub your hands along your scalp, kind of like your scratching it but not as hard. This helps distribute the oils throughout your hair and scalp.

No Heat or Tight Hairstyles

None of this ridiculousness! Straightening, curling, crimping, etc. No tight buns, tight ponytails, etc. Now I understand how hard it is for you to let go of this if it's a daily part of your life. I also have trouble letting go of this, like in the before, after, and now picture of me. I have my hair straughtened in the now picture. I can't go a day where my hair is curly, I just can't handle it sometimes, especially since I have bangs. It's too much. I have broken my self out of this habit, I found a natural hairstyle that is simple, easy to do, and lasts all day. But this hairstyle is a tight bun, which restrictive, so nothing actually benefits. But at least I'm not damaging it with heat.

Patience & A good Shampoo & Conditioner

Now patience is key to this whole process. I know you want your hair back or you just want it all longer now, but it doesn't happen overnight. Your hair grows on a average of 1/2 a inch a month. So in just 1 year it's going to grow about 6 inches, and if you trim it every 2 1/2 months like your supposed to, It'll grow about 4 inches, depending on how much you cut off. I cut off almost 2 feet of hair, so it'll take my hair about 4 years to grow completely back but I have noticed progress. Also your hair can grow quicker if you have a good shampoo & conditioner. Something that is non toxic & doesn't strip your hair of all it's natural oils. I recommend using Mane & Tail. It's GREAT, now i know I have a different texture of hair, but this works for about everyone I know. Caucasians, Hispanics, Blacks. I'm mixed & it works for me. Try it, it wouldn't hurt, it took me almost 2 years to find a good shampoo & conditioner that works, and its this one. Save your self sometime. Also I recommend getting a deep conditioner, helps your hair retain moisture after a wash.

Comment some of the ways you help your hair grow longer & what you think of this. Also comment if you want more hair tips
~Live Life Freely~

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