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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fake Friends vs. Real Friends

Real Friends will befriend you, be nice to you and even listen to your problems but fake friends will do all of that and tell everyone your problems, lie on you, talk about you and so much more. Now I've noticed that guys don't really encounter a lot of friend problems as much as girls do so this post is directed more towards the girls.

I am going to give you some tips/ examples on how to tell a fake friend from a real friend and how to detect a fake friend before they try to become your friend 

#1 If they say "You can trust me" before you even get to know them. 

It goes down like this, you had a bad argument with your parents this morning or you just found out your boyfriend was cheating on you and you decide to sit alone at lunch. The 'Gossip Girl' of your school sits down next to you and tries to console you. She asks you whats wrong and you tell her it's nothing even though it is something and she smiles and says "You can trust me..." 

Bitch no I cant. Weren't you the same girl who spread the STD rumors about Rachel and the same girl who told everyone that Nicole was pregnant even though you're her bestfriend? Right about now your *Fake Friend Alert* should be going off. Now sometimes this isn't true with everyone, some people are genuinely not going to tell anyone but this occurrence is rare and you should keep your private life to yourself until you honestly get to know the person. 

#2 Everyone Finds Out Your Secret. 

You just found out that your parents are getting a divorce or you just had sex for the first time and you need to blow off some steam, so you text your 'Best Friend' *insert Best Friends name here.* She is the only person you told and you made her swear on her life that she wouldn't tell anyone. 

The next day at school you see people looking at you and whispering. You hear someone's conversation and they are talking about what you told *insert Best Friends name here* last night. Now pause! Before you run into the bathroom crying think about this. You made this bitch swear on her life, so grab that Machete and... Im joking. No one wants to go to jail for murder. Im not saying Don't hit the bitch for running her mouth. Knock her out if you have to... :)

#3 She Makes All New Friends

This tends to happen to Freshman just entering High School. No lie, high school DOES change people. I've seen this happen first hand and from experience. 

Its your first day of school and you and your friend Chloe look an your schedules and you only have 3 classes together. By the 2nd week she had made friends in her new classes and is starting to feel comfortable. (Now I'm not saying making new friends is bad but don't forget who were your friends were from the start) Now its been a month and a half and she's completely started ditching for her new friends, she got a new popular boyfriend in her new group and she won't even respond to you texts. This is a tip to all teens entering high school. Hang on to what you know, don't change to be cool and don't forget who your friends are because some friend come and go but real friends stay forever." (BTW this is exactly what happened to me)

#4 Listen Around, You Might Learn Something. 

Now rumors are bad and I hate them but sometimes whats bad is also sometimes true. Now Im not saying to go and spread rumors or to go and listen to every rumor and think they're true but just listen to them. Be careful. If you hear that Nicole and Destiny aren't friends anymore because Destiny stole Nicole's boyfriend and come to find out that Destiny is actually dating Nicole *ex* Boyfriend. You might want to be wary. Just listen and keep tabs :)

#5 She doesn't believe you. 

Lets say worse comes to worse and your bestfriends boyfriend tries to kiss your or maybe even... Rape you. You try to tell her but she gives you a dirty look and is quick to call you a liar. She doesn't even bother to ask him, she just assumes your a jealous whore. Now If you tell anyone this they might be in disbelief but after telling them over and over a real friend might consider your telling the truth. Fake friends like the one in the example who assumes your a jealous whore who wants her ugly ass boyfriend. 

Now I hope these tips/ examples help you out. Comment below telling me if it helped or a time that you realized you had a fake friend. Love you guys. 
-Live Life Freely

Oh yeah! Follow my new Instagram @ InfinitySpirits. Thanks!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Not Procrastinate

As the queen of procrastination. I figured I'd give you some tips on how I deal with it and how I get things done.

Step 1: Asses The Situation

You need to realize that you have something to get done and if you don't get it done on time or properly then you are SOL

Step 2: Confront The Problem 

Why are you procrastinating? If it's something you can fix then fix it. If its because you just don't want to do it and or it's boring, tell yourself to grow the fuck up and just do it. So what if you don't like it or its boring. Not everything's going to be fun and interesting. 

Step 3: Just Do It

Trust me, once its all over you'll have time to do more fun and interesting things. This is just a minor set back in your "Awesome Life." Just get it done and you'll feel much better afterwords, especially since you don't have to worry about it.

Hoped you guys like my tips. I tried not to be as brutal as I usually would be. If your sitting there like, "Well your the queen of procrastination. Why are you telling us to grow up? Shouldn't you follow these steps to?" I already do! I give myself a nice lecture before putting myself through the torture of a boring project or studying for an exam. Anyways , I will be posting more posts soon. I don't know when, I just will. Love you guys and thanks for reading :)

-Live Life Freely